The average house price on INNER HEY is £184,565
The most expensive house in the street is 8 INNER HEY with an estimated value of £247,859
The cheapest house in the street is 9 INNER HEY with an estimated value of £147,906
The house which was most recently sold was 9 INNER HEY, this sold on 7 Feb 2020 for £120,000
The postcode for INNER HEY is HD7 6EL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 INNER HEY Terraced £166,767 £134,000 8 Mar 2019
3 INNER HEY Terraced £222,402 £136,500 30 Mar 2007
4 INNER HEY Terraced £156,141 £91,000 12 Feb 2010
6 INNER HEY Detached £166,320 £129,500 26 Jul 2017
8 INNER HEY Terraced £247,859 £135,000 7 Oct 2005
9 INNER HEY Terraced £147,906 £120,000 7 Feb 2020